Somatic Relational Counseling, LLC

Somatic Relational Counseling (SRC) provides online clinical services for adults in the states of New Jersey and New York. SRC utilizes an integrative approach to addressing mental health using Acceptance & Commitment Therapy (ACT), Motivational Interviewing (MI), and Somatic Experiencing® (SE™). We offer individualized plans of action to help identify challenges and support change.

Decondition from the world by reconnecting with yourself. - James D. Williams

  • Individuals require Time to acknowledge their lives are unmanageable, accept there might be a better way, and then maintain a healthy level of accountability to move forward.

  • Find at least one secure enough Space to exercise willfulness without judgment, move towards willingness to take action, and increase their capacities to remain patient.

  • Bring their attention to their healing process to increase the connection with their unique somatic designs, unlock the meaning of spirituality, and develop the strategies necessary to decondition from expectations outside of self.