Frequently Asked Questions

  • Somatic stems from the Greek word “soma” or physical body.

  • Counseling and/or therapy is a collaborative process in which you are exploring any barriers that may be preventing you from living a fulfilling life with a trained professional. Depending on your therapist, the styles in which they practice will differ. It is important to ask questions to ensure that their style matches with you.

  • It is important to first note that we are not doctors or licensed medical providers with the necessary skills to prescribe medication. While medication can be effective in assisting someone in their recovery, it is a deeper conversation to have with a licensed doctor or medical provider with the credentials. We are only here to provide with some education and refer to providers.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • We believe that counseling or therapy is a collaborative process and that you are in charge of where you want to go. Our time during the initial appointment will be spent gather history and pertinent information in order to explore what is going on. The hope is that we can find what may be intensifying your presenting concerns. Each subsequent session is geared towards discussing what you bring to the session. You are not required and will not be forced to share anything you are not comfortable with at any given time.

  • A licensed counselor or therapist spends years studying their craft while fusing their own lived experiences. The quality of the therapist really matters and therapist are expected to follow principles outlined by their licensing board. A quality therapist will support you in making your own decisions, while also challenging ineffective patterns and behaviors that keep you “stuck”.

    A relationship with friends and family means that you are both sharing challenges with one another and providing each other with support. In a healthy therapeutic relationship, the focus is on the client alone. Your therapist should never make you feel as if you are working for them. Therapists should have healthy boundaries with you.

  • There is no easy way to know if counseling will be right for you until you give it a shot. It is important that you know you might not connect with some providers and that is okay. You should not be made to feel as if you are “stuck” with someone. Therapy works when the client puts in the work necessary to achieve their goals. If you are not ready, and that’s okay, then therapy might not be for you at that time.

  • Our initial session typically lasts up to 60 minutes. Sessions thereafter can last up to 53 minutes, as this is considered a 1-hour session according to insurance and other guidelines.

  • Confidentiality and HIPPA law protects your right to privacy. We are not at liberty to share any of your information without your written and, in exceptional circumstances, verbal agreement. At the time, we may want to consult with colleagues in the field to assist us in ensuring that we are providing adequate care. If that is the case, we will share minimal and need-to-know information relevant to your case. To note, we will not share or consult without agreement. We are obligated to report any abuse or neglect of special populations (children, elderly, etc.…) and break confidentiality if you are a danger to yourself or others; we are mandated reporters and will act accordingly.

    Please read our privacy policy at length. You will also be expected to sign a copy before our first session.

  • Please check out our service rates.

    For sliding scale options please see below. Please note sliding scale options are offered for those willing to work with our social work intern.

  • The Internship Program allows SRC to fulfill its mission on a much larger scale. With our Internship Program, we are allowed to train the next level of clinicians as they enter the field while also providing low-cost therapy to those who otherwise cannot afford. Potential clients are partnered with our Graduate Social Work Interns for individual counseling at a reasonable fee. The fee allows the program to provide additional training to our current and upcoming Interns.

  • Our Social Work Interns bring with them insight that is instrumental in improving client’s lives. Interns come from various educational and work experience backgrounds, and are often at varying points in completing their Master of Social Work (MSW) or degree in counseling. The one factor they have in common is their eagerness to learn and share their knowledge to improve the lives of those they work with. All interns receive advanced training in multiple clinical interventions and perspectives and are supervised by a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW). Deciding to pursue therapy is a courageous and oftentimes life-altering decision. Somatic Relational Counseling has a passion for providing therapeutic services to all regardless of their ability to pay. The goal of our internship program is to assure that everyone has access to affordable therapy.

  • A sliding scale is implemented when someone cannot afford to pay the full service for counseling services. We ask that clients complete a brief application and work together to discuss a fee that is feasible.

    We can offer a limited number of sliding scale options for those willing to work with our Social Work Intern (MSW Interns).

  • Per our no-show and late cancellation fees policy, you are responsible for providing a 24 hours notice before canceling or rescheduling. If you are unable to provide 24 hours notice, you will be subject to a $50 fee and there will be no exceptions to the rule. Insurance does not cover these fees.

  • You must keep an active credit card on file. If we continue to experience issues with your credit card, services may be suspended, and you may be subject to being discharged from services.

  • We will charge you before the session begins and any issues should be communicate in real time. Please discuss with your provider. Continued patterns may result in discharge from services.