A mi Amor, mi Agape
James D. Williams James D. Williams

A mi Amor, mi Agape

I allow myself to finally see someone else in my future. Accept that I have to allow time to properly grieve or accept that maybe it was never meant to be. Dream about a new guy up at the altar. Find someone who continues to travel the world with me. Trust that just because things won’t be easy, it’s me that someone will choose to see.

Maybe it isn’t you? Maybe the guy with me at the end of my days, is someone else; I can finally answer my own question, it is going to be ok. At ten, “No one finds their soulmate” – Sweet Home Alabama

James D. Williams (written Nov 6, 2020)

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Being a Social Worker Saved my Life
James D. Williams James D. Williams

Being a Social Worker Saved my Life

At the age of 4, I proclaimed I wanted to be a social worker and it came true. I almost gave up being there for others because I had to be a social worker for myself. Every day since then, I realized how being a social worker actually saved my own life.

More importantly, here is how being a social worker actually allowed my clients to save my life. The irony isn’t it?

Here is a true story that demonstrates the “Parallel Process.”

James D. Williams

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